Santa Clara, Cuba - Laura

Please tell us your child’s cystic fibrosis journey before coming to CFVWW and receiving your vest
"5-year-old patient suffering from cystic fibrosis, who debuted at 2 months of life in intensive care with anemia and many diarrheas, there they did a sweat test and it gave her 150 and 160 respectively, from there they began to take enzymes and he began to improve, at 15 months he became dehydrated and ended up again in the intensive care unit due to 2 vomits, at 4 years he was diagnosed with bronchiostasis in the right lung from there the pulmonary complications began and up to 4 admissions a year there he is between lows and highs."
What does receiving a vest from CFVWW mean to you and your family?
"Imagine almost as big as how to obtain trikafsta, what it would represent for our family and our warrior that the vest is the most effective therapy in the treatment of CF and here in our country it is impossible to get one because not even in hospitals they exist, it would be something glorious for our girl and we would be eternally grateful for that noble gesture and it would represent a turning point in her life to be able to count on a vest every day to do her exercises."